Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First Communion Preparation

This year Princess is preparing for her first Holy Communion in the spring. Inspired by Sara at Amongst Lovely Things, I organized a few things together for a Communion Scrapbook for Princess to complete. I hope it will be a treasured piece for her.

Here are the documents organizing all sources:


Erin said...

I happened across the first communion notebook idea a few weeks ago and love the idea of it!! I am planning to have Caroline make one beginning next year when she starts second grade. I love the document you've made - thanks for sharing! Which catechism are you using? We have started the St. Joseph's Baltimore Catechism - the First Communion one. We're also reading stories from Angel Food for Boys and Girls... just the first book, as it is expensive to buy all four! I found a document shared by Jen at Wildflowers and Marbles connecting each story to a lesson in the catechism... good stuff when people hare documents! :) Anyway, we plan to go thru the catechism in part in first grad and then finish and review it again throughout second grade.

I am loving seeing all your plans for this year!!

Erin said...

Oh, and I meant to ask how you like Faith and Life? I am considering that for next year as well, since I have heard good things about it being solid. I know that compiling ideas from online and doing a first communion notebook will fill in any gaps left by PSR classes... they start on Wednesday, so I am about to start finding out how thorough they are or are not...