Friday, April 17, 2009

Allelulia! He is Risen!

The kiddos in their Easter best!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Blessed Easter

Our Lent Table has made a transformation into our Easter table. I can't wait to see the kiddos face tomorrow morning. I'm sure they'll be thrilled.

Easter Sunday

On Easter morning, while snacking on our sweets and treats, we'll read John 19.38-20.10. (The story of the Empty Tomb).

Holy Saturday

We made a cave with a moveable stone. We used an old shoebox and covered it with decorated construction paper. The kiddos really liked the idea of the moving stone.

Good Friday

To commemorate the Lord's Passion on a level the kiddos could understand, we made crosses from sticks we picked up in the yard. While, I seemed to be delegated the stick picker upper, the kiddos were proud of the crosses they made.

Holy Thursday--Praying Hands

To celebrate Jesus praying at the Garden of Gethsemane, we made praying hands. We folded a sheet of paper in half, cut out in the shape of hands, and decorated. Inside I glued a copy of the Lord's Prayer.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Holy Thursday--Foot Washing

We recreated the footwashing--well sort of. I had it planned that we would actually wash one another's feet, but the kiddos were a bit cooked at the end of the day. Instead, taking princess' lead, we pretended to wash one another's feet after reading John 13 1-17.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Palm Sunday

For Palm Sunday we made a palm banner. It reads, "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD" The kiddos placed their hand prints making palms for the banner. To finish up the bottom reads, "Hosanna!"

Holy Week 2009

Blessed Holy Week to everyone. For the past few weeks we've been reading Benjamin's Box and using the corresponding resurrection eggs. The kiddos have loved reading this story and having something to touch and feel. It helps them to really understand the story of Holy Week.

To dovetail this, we made a resurrection table. On the table it includes the palms we got on Palm Sunday, a donkey and a palm tree. Princess wanted to know what a palm tree looked like. LOL! For Holy Thursday we included a plate and cup with bread and a picture of the last supper. And a small bowl with a cloth to symbolize the washing of the feet. For Good Friday I have a statue I inherited from my Grandma depicting the crucifiction. For Holy Saturday we made a tomb with a moveable stone to be opened on Easter.